Carry out a service project and then create a compelling visual essay, particularly focusing on women’s safety/well-being on college campuses. Showcase how your work inspires actionable change and how it contributes to a safer college experience for women.
Contest Requirements for Submissions:
Acceptable Formats:
PowerPoint Presentation – Submit a PowerPoint file (PPTX or PDF format) with at least 6 slides presenting the theme. Use a combination of text, images, and/or graphics to support your message.
PDF Document / Written Visual Essay – If you are submitting an illustrated essay or research-based presentation, ensure that it is 1-4 double-spaced pages and includes visual elements (images, charts, artwork, or graphic design).
Video – Submit a video up to 5 minutes long (3 minutes minimum). Videos must be uploaded to a shareable platform (e.g., Google Drive, YouTube)
Content Criteria:
Connection to Action: Demonstrate how we can apply safety and wellbeing initiatives for women in our college campuses and communities.
Project Component: Showcase a community service project you have undertaken that aligns with the SD Nari mission. This could include:
Volunteering with a local organization or university initiative that supports women’s safety.
Raising awareness about safety on college campuses and available resources.
Organizing a campaign, fundraiser, or educational event/public service announcement video about women’s safety on college campuses.
Providing services or support to women in need.